I am intrigued by the changes that occurred at the beginning of the 20th century and how they brought about the birth of the modern era. One things that still stands today is some of the architecture and buildings of that time. I am especially fascinated by the Victorian glasshouses that are now decrepit, abandonned and left for the vegetation to regain it's stake on the land. I get inspired from seeing vintage photos of their opulent grandeur and the social status they came to represent. I imagine them filled to capacity with lush tropicals and rare botanicals competing for light.
I can't help but think that at the same time, the growth of the industrial revolution was bringing upon new ideology and cultural shifts. And so with time, these impressive structures became a thing of the past as for the exuberance of the era. This artwork series depicts the polarization of old and new ideas with lush botanicals surounded by unexpected shapes and colours. You can follow my progress on Instagram below.